HEY CLICK HERE – The Importance of CTAs

So I’m helping a newer client build her online business from the ground up. We’re currently delving into her website – discussing content and photos, and, most importantly, CTAs. And I realized that so many small businesses aren’t utilizing them the way they should, and some small business owners may not even know what I’m talking about when I say “CTA.”

So let’s back up. What’s a CTA? It’s a Call To Action. It’s asking your audience to do something. It could be a pop-up asking them to join your newsletter. It could be giving away a free product or service, or it could be 10% off a purchase. No matter what it is, it’s important that your website has a ton of them.

Why? Well let’s say someone comes to your website. They’re looking around at your products. They’re likely just info-gathering to make a purchase decision. But then they leave. They forget about you. They never look you up again. ORRRR – they see that if they enter their email address, they can be entered to win a free ____ in your monthly customer appreciation drawing. They think “Hey why not? I want a free ____.”

Then bam. You’ve got their info. You can send them emails. If you’re really fancy, you can retarget them with ads (but more on that another time). That email address is the key to being able to market to them. They can’t forget about you if you’re popping into their inbox periodically. Think email marketing is useless? False. It’s still the #1 way to reach your audience, and a $1 investment in email marketing averages a $42 ROI. Email is far from dead.

A CTA could also invite people to follow you on social media, another great way to connect with your audience on a regular basis because, let’s be honest, most people spend their downtime scrolling through Instagram, TikTok or Facebook.

So how do you create amazing CTAs?

1. Define your goals.
As with any marketing activity, you need to clarify what your business needs from your CTAs. How do they fit into the bigger picture of your strategy? Do you want to beef up your email lists? Are trying to build your social following? Both? You can have more than one type of CTA on your website, but it’s better to focus on one goal at a time. Perfect one before adding something new.

2. Decide on your offer.
You don’t have to give the whole farm away. The offer doesn’t even have to be anything tangible. It could be access to valuable information like an email newsletter. But consumers tend to respond better to tangible things – a free download, a contest entry or a percentage off their purchase.

3. Put them everywhere.
Ok not everywhere. You don’t want people to feel like you’re attacking them, but you should have them in a few places.

On your homepage you should have a CTA in your:

  • header
  • banner or slideshow
  • under the description of what you do/who you are/your values
  • in-copy at on place
  • at the bottom of the page

On other pages you should have at least 1-2 per page depending on the copy. And you should always have one in your blog posts.

4. Follow Through.
Give them what you promised. Send them that coupon code or free download. Don’t leave them hanging. This builds up your trust with them.

5. Fix what isn’t working.
If you’re getting a ton of traffic but no conversions on your CTAs, then switch it up. Change the offer or the placement. There is no perfect guideline on where to place your CTAs and what to offer. Each audience will respond differently. But you should also give it time. If something isn’t working after 2 days, don’t freak out. After 60 days? Time to try something new.

6. Don’t forget about your audience.
Post to social media. Send occasional emails. It doesn’t have to be all sales either. Try connecting with them on a more personal level, too. They agreed to hear from you, so talk to them. People buy from people and brands they like, know and trust. Communicating with your audience regularly is the best way to boost your LKT factor.

CTAs can make or break the effectiveness of your website, so if you don’t have any or the ones you have aren’t working, then fix the problem. And if you need help figuring out what they should be, I’m here to help. Not sure how your website is performing? A Brand Assessment could be the perfect way to find out.